Anything dairy-related

Monthly Archives: April 2006

Quick Casein Test

Hi, Cheese People

If you have a automated milk composition analyzer it would be possible to get a quick indication of casein by putting the milk through and then setting it with rennet. Take some of the whey and put it through the analyzer as well. Since the rennet binds the casein, by doing a subtraction of the whey protein from the whole milk, you should get the casein value.

Of course some of the more modern analyzers can do the casein automatically, anyway, but this method should help the other guys out there.


Leon the Milkman

Freezing point of goat’s milk


The freezing point of goat milk as determined by the method: Determination of the Freezing Point of Milk – Modified Hortvet Method, shall not be higher than -0.517 degrees Celsius ( that means closer to zero ).

Freezing point is used to determine if water was added to the milk. For cow milk this cut-off value is -0.512 degrees Celsius.

Talk later,

Leon the Milkman


New CombiFoss

Hi, Milk People

This week I got my new Combifoss system. It will test for milk solids, added water and SCC.

Will tell you later if I could figure it out.

Kind regards,

Leon the Milkman

Namibia Dairy Visit

Hi, Milkfans

Had a visit from my good friend, Pieter Engelbrecht, yesterday.

He is Quality Control Manager at Namibia Dairies these days, but still as down to earth as always. Missing you here in South Africa, Pieter. We need more people like you in this world!


Milk Route

Here is a recording of some early birds on my milk route 😉
[audio:Few Birds Singing.mp3]

The Singing Life of Birds : The Art and Science of Listening to Birdsong

Milk Paint

Hi, Milkfans

Yes, you read that right!

You can paint you house with milk. Or your furniture for that matter. Milk Paint was used quite a lot in history. It is in vogue again as a child friendly paint – it can be chewed off the building blocks without poisoning the child.

It consists mainly of skim milk, alkaline, end some color. The alkaline, like sodium hydroxide denatures the milk protein and fixes it, while being neutralized in the process  – well you can read more, as well as get contact details for suppliers at

Kind Regards,

Leon the Milkman

Raw Milk Calories

Hi, Milkfans

Raw milk does not have less or more calories than the pasteurized version of the same milk. Full cream milk having about 620 calories per Liter, raw or pasteurized.

Although some of the nutrients are destroyed ( small percentage ) during pasteurization, pasteurized milk is still safer than raw milk. Although I have drunk my fair share of raw milk, I see the results of analysis on that milk and therefore feel comfortable drinking that specific farm milk.


Leon the Milkman

Define Psychrotrophic bacteria

Hi, Milkfans

These bacteria occur naturally in cold places like the Arctic.

They are important in frozen and refrigerated food where they can cause spoilage – even with the cold chain being maintained.

Examples are mould like Penicillium and bacteria like Pseudomonas, Bacillus and Clostridium.

They are an increasing problem in the dairy industry where the cold chain is maintained for longer periods on raw milk, than ever before in history.


Leon the Milkman


What Are Bacteria? DVD

Human Milk Composition

Hi, Guys

Yes, I do get a lot of questions like this 😉

Well, at the moment I am testing human milk for a project by a local hospital and I must say that I have never seen such a variance in composition compared to the cow and goat’s milk that we test as well.

I think this has a lot to do with cows being much more set in a routine and eating the same diet every day – haha, sorry to you women out there for making these comparisons, but we really get asked these things a lot.

The average composition of macronutrients in human milk is about 1% Protein, 4% Fat and 7% Lactose. If you take different milks you’ll see that the nutrients present are much the same and in most the ratios are also the same between nutrients, but the concentrations differ the most.

Sheep’s milk for example is much more nutritious than cow’s milk and contains about twice the calories.

Kind regards,

Leon the Milkman

Laugh and Learn About Breastfeeding

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I'm Leon the Milkman,  dairy specialist and  professional cheese experimenter.

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